This is my first attempt at rendering a Hubble Space Telescope (HST) palette image using narrowband data acquired with our QSI683 CCD and Astrodon 5nm narrowband filters.
Data acquired in our driveway in Johannesburg, South Africa, Ha was shot during a nearly full moon, OIII and SII were shot with no moon.
View large version on Flickr: Carina Nebula in HST
Image details
Ha (green channel)
Acquired 2014-02-12
17x 10 minutes
170 minutes
OIII (blue channel)
Acquired 2014-02-27
10x 10 minutes
100 minutes
SII (red channel)
Acquired 2014-02-27
10x 10 minutes
100 minutes
Calibrated / reduced with bias, dark, and flat frames
Equipment details
- Officina Stellare Hiper APO 105
- QSI683ws8 CCD
- Astrodon Series 2 5nm narrowband filters (Ha / OIII / SII)
- Officina Stellare 0.75 focal reducer/field flattener
- Celestron AdvancedVX and CGEM DX mounts
- 50mm finder/guider
- Orion SSAG
- Acquisition and focusing with Sequence Generator Lite
- Guiding with PhD
- Reduction, integration and post-processing with PixInsight
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