Ever since a local space camp excursion and model rocketry obsession as a child, I’ve been enamored by the wonder of the night sky. In 2011 purchased my first telescope. One year later I took my first long-exposure deep space photo (Messier 13 – the Hercules globular cluster) using a home-built equatorial platform and that same same dobsonian telescope.
That was the beginning.
Since then, I’ve photographed deep-sky objects (DSO), moon and planetary astrophotography, wide-field and landscape astrophotography, daytime and night sky time lapse, and I am still and always learning and sharing.
My passions have led me to find dark skies in both hemispheres of our planet and work to share the enormity of space as I see it through cameras and telescopes.
In addition to being internationally commissioned, my work has been published in worldwide digital media, print media, and books, and I have been the recipient of a NASA APOD (Astronomy Photo Of the Day).
In 2015, PhotographingSpace.com was born in an effort to help anyone and everyone learn astrophotography through combined knowledge along with the help of a team of astrophotographers from around the world.
Talks // Workshops // Inspiration
I give talks and teach astrophotography workshops in the hopes of inspiring other humans to just look up a little more.
I am a keynote speaker for large corporate and private events, give public how-to astrophotography and space/astronomy related talks, and private presentations for small groups.
Sharing is Caring
To prove it, I share my experiences and adventures with the community via social media and internet streams as much as possible.
In 2018 I teamed up with the prominent online space and science media outlet, Universe Today, to provide a live view of the total lunar eclipse as viewed from South Africa, from start to finish. Overall, we broadcast this event through my telescope and camera to more than 1 million viewers worldwide. You can relive that live stream here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8ErVCLKa_jw
Media bio
Cory Schmitz is an American expat living in South Africa. Co-founder of PhotographingSpace.com, co-owner of several telescopes and too many cameras.
An avid astrophotographer for nightscapes, time lapse, deep-space, solar system, and star trail images, he is an all-around jack-of-most-trades for night-sky photography.
Cory is internationally published and commissioned, whose photos have been used in print, online, and television publications, including a NASA APOD selection.
He’s a speaker on the subject of astrophotography, astronomy, and the cosmos and our place in it. He gives both instructional and experiential keynote presentations to large and small groups, and outreach events.

Interested in my work or want to contact me?
Send email to: cory@photographingspace.com
Social media
Instagram: @theastroshake // @photographingspace
Twitter: @theastroshake // @photo_space