Messier 13, the Hercules Globular Cluster
(or, the next best thing to Omega Centauri)
Located in the constellation Hercules and including several hundred-thousand stars, M13 is ~145 light-years in diameter and 25,100 light-years from earth. M13 is easily seen in binoculars, even in light-polluted skies.
Also in the image are two small galaxies, brighter NGC6207 (far left center), and IC4617 (very dim, left center).
Image details
- Data acquired on 2013-04-02
- 13x20s ISO3200, 10 dark frames (needs flats…)
- Stacked in DSS, post processed with Darktable, Photoshop CS2, and Fotoxx, in Linux
Equipment used
- Zhumell Z10 Dobsonian on DIY EQ tracking platform
- Canon T2i 550D DSLR (unmodded)
- GSO coma corrector
- BackyardEOS software for image acquision
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