NGC 3372, The Carina Nebula in hydrogen alpha only. A southern sky wonder, this is the first image Tanja and I have seriously acquired with our QSI683 CCD camera. Data acquired from our home in Johannesburg, South Africa. Overall, we are VERY impressed with this camera!
Image details:
17x 10 minute exposures
170 minutes total integration time
Calibrated / reduced with bias, dark, and flat frames
Equipment used:
Officina Stellare Hiper APO 105
QSI683ws8 CCD
Officina Stellare 0.75 focal reducer/field flattener
Celestron CGEM DX mount
50mm finder/guider
Orion SSAG
Acquisition and focusing with Sequence Generator Lite
Reduction, integration and post-processing with PixInsight
Hydrogen alpha data acquired from our home in Johannesburg, South Africa, on 2014-02-12.
My Ha only image:
RGB data acquired by Tanja in the dark skies of Sutherland, South Africa, in May of 2013.
Tanja’s RGB image:…
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