Date: 2012-03-05 ~16:30 CST (22:30 UTC)
Location: 41d44’N 93d36’W
Weather: Clear skies, approx. ~10d C, slight wind
What I saw
* Meade DS-90 refractor
* Black film solar filter (
* 25mm Meade stock EP
The sun is amazing to view through a [PROPERLY FILTERED] telescope! Beautiful sunspot activity that looked like flower petals or the swirling pattern of leaves on a vine was clearly visible at just 40x. It filled almost the entire field of view, and was sharp and clear despite using the stock 0.965″ Meade EP that came with my recently purchased and previously enjoyed DS-90 90mm refractor.
Luckily my wife and son were home at the time and managed to catch a view as well. This is the first time I or anyone in my family has seen a magnified view of the sun. Warms my heart to hear my (now 4-year-old) son exclaiming “I see it!”
DON’T DO THIS without a proper solar filter because you’ll only do it once, and then be blind.
Ok, maybe twice, since most folks have two eyes.
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