2011-12-26 22:30 – 00:45 CST Location: 93d36 ‘W 41d44’N Weather: ~38…
Category: Sight Reports (page 3)
2011-12-19 Sight Report, M45 Pleiades sketch
2011-12-19, 21:00 – 00:00 CST Location: Home, backyard, 41d44’N 93d36’W Seeing: 2.5/5,…
2011-12-15 Sight Report, snowballs and moon movies
2011-12-15, 21:00-00:30 CST Location: Home, backyard, 41d44’N 93d36’W Seeing: 3-4/5, Trans.: 3/5…
2011-11-28 Sight Report, impromptu outreach, new Messier object, new sketch
2011-11-28 18:00-19:00, 21:00-23:30 CST Home, Ankeny front (East, early) and back (West,…
2011-11-23 Sight Report – Cheap bins, so much to see
2011-11-23 19:00 – 2011-11-24 00:00 CST Location: Home, front and backyard ~35F,…
2011-11-22 Sight Report, Ava’s first light!
2011-11-22, 18:00-19:30 CST ~40F, 80% clear, then clouds/fog rolled in Home, Ankeny,…
2011-11-16, Sight Report
2011-11-16, 22:00-23:30 CST Ankeny backyard ~26F, slight breeze, clear and cloudless Poor…
2011-11-10, Sight Report
Thursday, 11-10-2011, 22:00-23:30 Home, Ankeny, driveway 28F, average seeing, average transparency Full…
2011-11-03, Sight Report
2011-11-03, Thursday, 22:00-00:00 CST ~30 F, clear, cold, little to no wind,…
2011-10-31, Birthday Sight Report
2011/10/31 21:30 – 00:00 CST Backyard, Ankeny 40F and clear, seeing conditions…